Tuesday 4th March
St James Church Hall
Our popular Pancake Party will take place on Tuesday 21st February, Shrove Tuesday, at 6pm in church. Everyone is welcome to share in some delicious pancakes!
Wednesday 5th March
St Mary's Church Great Sankey
More details coming soon
The Prayer Group will be following the Deanery 40 day of Lent booklets and group sessions. Meeting at Paul & Ruth's house
Thursdays, 7.30 p.m.
Sunday 30th March
Join us for Mothering Sunday worship at 9.30am for a Traditional Communion Service, or at 11am for Active Church for Everyone
Saturday 5th April
Join us for our regular monthly prayer breakfast. Spend some time in prayer, followed by breakfast. Please message info@stjameschurch.info to let us know you are coming for catering purposes.
Sunday 13th April
St James Church
9.30am Parish Eucharist
10.30 - Refreshments
11am - Active Church for Everyone
Thursday 17th April
Team Service at St Marys
Details will be confirmed soon
Friday 18th April
St James Church
A short family service following the Stations of the Cross. Weather permitting this service will take place outside. Followed by Hot Cross Buns and refreshments